How our Aussie hemp seed oil may help your Dog's health

Feb 2022
Why should you consider giving your dog our YAP WEAR Australian hemp seed oil?

We have been selling our YAP WEAR hemp seed oil ( HSO ) since it was legalised in November 2017 by the Australian Government, approving it available for sale for general health.

Proudly we were the first Pet-retailer to sell hemp seed oil in Australia through our Albert Park store and online.  In fact we had stock available a week within HSO having been legalised.  Now having sold 1000’s of bottles over the past 4 years, the testimonials & feedback we receive from customers is overwhelming and heartwarming.  I am deeply grateful to all the Pet-parents who have trusted our natural health alternative offering & my extensive knowledge in this area from my research.

To date we have sent our HSO around Australia and to countries including: Italy, USA, Singapore, HK, Norway, France, NZ, Germany.

In 2010 I started to travel overseas to Pet Trade Conferences in Europe, USA & Canada to attend educational seminars and source new products for our YAP WEAR store.

At the first Conference in 2010 I met a number of Hemp growers/suppliers of health products for pets.  They understood that I couldn’t import their products but they were very open and happy to share their knowledge with me.  Over the years they introduced me to many of their Pet store retailers with many years experience selling hemp.  I was intrigued by their Testimonials from their own Pet-Parents customers whose Dogs showed significant improved health; including reduced seizures, stress, anxiety, increased mobility from arthritis & joint pain, better digestion, improved skin and coat health.

Holistic medical treatments are becoming prolific alternatives to some areas of the conventional Vet healthcare system. Though their popularity continues to grow every day, it is still a new realm for many. Hemp seed oil has been known as one of the most well-known holistic remedies for 1000’s of year for humans and animals.

Hemp Seed Oil

What is hemp seed oil?

As the name suggests, hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of hemp plants. Hemp oil also known as hemp seed oil is made from hemp a cannabis plant like the drug marijuana but contains no THC ( tetrahydrocannabinol ) the natural chemical that causes a high effect.  Instead of THC, Hemp contains cannabidiol (CBD) and that has been used to treat ailments including epilepsy to anxiety.

It is gathered in a process where harvested hemp seeds are cold pressed for their oils to be extracted on dedicated machinery.  Hemp and marijuana both belong to the same Cannabis plant family.

To make up for this, hemp seed oil has higher concentrations of another cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD). The CBD present in hemp seed oil is responsible for its medicinal benefits but does not produce a high. It may alleviate the symptoms of poor mental health, reduce the severity of symptoms present with some Dogs suffering from stress, anxiety, arthritis and has been reported to provide relief to those suffering from chronic pain.

THE FACTS about our HSO:

Human grade Quality
-  Grown in Australia

-  Cold-pressed from the hemp seeds

  • No drug effect or THC
  • Excellent source of plant based Omegas 3 & 6.  Ideal for those not tolerant to fish oil omegas
  • Suitable for Dogs & Cats

MAY BENEFIT ( the Dog ) : 

  1. Neurological receptors of the brain:
  • Seizures 
  • Dog dementia/ageing behaviour
  • Anxiety/stress
  1. Receptors of the body:
  • Inflammation associated with arthritis/joint pain
  • Improved digestion
  • Skin & coat health
  • Energy / stamina boost

From some of our YAP WEAR customers

Scott & Rocky Foxy X ( Melbourne ) Since Sept 2020

In Sept 2020 Scott bought a bottle of our hemp seed oil for his 14yr Dog Rocky.  Scott was desperate for help for his Dog who was suffering a seizure most days; seemed to be triggered by emotional excitement when he and his wife got home from work.

Scott had heard from a friend about our hemp seed oil and my extensive knowledge in this area from my research.

Scott contacted me after a few days of giving Rocky our hemp seed oil and said he had not had a seizure.  Rocky and his Pet-parents now visit our store regularly & have not witnessed him have another seizure since.

Sadly during 2021 Scott was diagnosed with cancer and he tells me it was having his Dog Rocky with him that helped him get through his illness.  Scott has also noticed that Rocky has more energy and demand for longer walks which were an important part of Scott’s rehabilitation.

Jude & Lolly Mini Schnauzer rescue ( Country VIC ) Since July 2018

After a rough start to life Lolly had a wonderful new life when Jude & her family adopted her through a Rescue Group.  Sadly Lolly was having regular seizures and the vet prescribed drugs but the seizures continued.

Jude heard about our HSO through a few friends so contacted me to ask about giving it to her new Dog.

Jude told me within a week the seizures had stopped.  To date Jude tells me that her family hasn’t witnessed anymore seizures and gives Lolly our HSO x twice daily.

Kerryn & Goldie a Sheltie ( Melbourne VIC ) Since Sept 2021

Fran has a 14yr old adopted rescue Sheltie called Goldie. 

Due to age and arthritis it became necessary to take her Sheltie out  for walks in a pram.  Also Fran thought her Dog had the beginning of Dog-dementia as she would walk into the backyard and judt gaze… she’d forgotten where she was.

Fran heard from a friend about our Hemp seed oil and how it had helped her arthritic Dog.  Fran bought a bottle from us during 2021e and began to give it to Goldie.  Fran noticed within a few weeks that Goldie had more interest to walk more and eventually the pram was put into storage.  Also Fran said that Goldie’s cognitive health has improved vastly.

Ian & Teddy the rescue Pomeranian ( since 2021 )

Ian adopted Teddy from a country pound in approximately Feb 2021.  Sadly Teddy had been badly neglected by the previous family who did not attend to his medical needs.  When rescue Teddy was covered in fleas and was suffering mange ( skin disease and hair loss ). Teddy was brought into my store to see how I could help him.  I suggested some changes to his diet and addition of our hemp seed oil.

They came back to my store within a few weeks to show me that Teddy’s fur had already started to grow back!  Teddy continues to visit our store regularly and has a lush thick fur coat and looks like a little fox!

A bottle containing Australian Hemp seed oil beside Hemp seeds on a spoon


Yes to both.  Our Australian suppliers track the usage of the fields for 5 years pre any planting and every year in between.  Also they don’t use fields that have cereal or glue shedding crops ever.

My partner Jack and I both having been taking our Quality HSO since 2017, for general health.  Our Postman Steve takes it for his sore neck from a sporting injury.  One of my staff’s husband takes it for gout relief.  Many of our Human customers have taken it and reported health benefits.


Small Dogs:       1-5 kilos: 3 drops 

Medium Dogs:   6-9 kilos: 8 drops

Large Dogs:       10-25 kilos: 1 full dropper

We recommend to then double the dose after 1 week once the Dog’s system has become accustomed to the oil.

Our HSO comes in a glass bottle with a glass dropper.  Its very easy to give to your Dog & has an organic taste of walnuts. 

Give to your Dog away from food; so after their breakfast or dinner then toilet wait half an hour then:

  • put drops directly onto the tongue
  • place drop on a clean plate or bowl
  • put drops on a small piece of dehydrated treat ( if you can’t open your Dog’s mouth! )

My own Dogs just lick the HSO off the dropper!

Often if a customer comes into our store to purchase the HSO with their Dog I will put it on their tongue for them…… & then a little healthy treat after is an easy way!

Click image below more information surrounding recommended dosage and product information:

YAP WEAR Australian hemp seed oil
YAP WEAR Australian hemp seed oil


Best kept in the fridge as HSO doesn’t like the heat which can affect its efficacy

**Though Hemp seed oil may improve your dog’s health and quality of life, it’s important to always consult a veterinarian if your pets require medical attention or ongoing health issues.**

Warmest Wags
Jenny Daicos

Hemp Dealer & Founder
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

This information is protected by copyright and remains the property of Comma Design Pty Ltd ( Australia )

The contents & images may not be copied without permission in writing to our Compan.y


As Hemp & CBD is such a new field of natural health in Australia the research continues to develop.  It may benefit neurological issues incl: seizures, dog dementia, stress anxiety.

** To date the research into the health benefits for Dogs is minimal thus why we state “may help your Dog”.  We do not claim “It will or does”

****USA research into the health benefits of Hemp & CBD for Pets is very extensive and documented.  Some USA suppliers claim that their Hemp seed oil & CBD will cure cancer & arthritis. 

We do not claim this; but we cannot ignore the many testimonials from customers who tell us the health improvement in their Dogs, where unlike humans there is no placebo effect with dogs

Media enquiries:

Jenny Daicos


YAP WEAR - Boutique & Wellness

61 Cardigan Place, Albert Park 3206. Melbourne AUSTRALIA


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